An Indomitable Beast: The Remarkable Journey of the Jaguar
Alan Rabinowitz begins his compelling story of the jaguar with two experiences of meeting one. The first was in the zoo, as a child. The second, more than two decades later, is set in Belize, a key part of the ‘Jaguar Corridor’ that Rabinowitz has fought to preserve through Mesoamerica and into the northern parts […]

Under the volcano
On my morning walk there is a point from which I can see the sulphurous fumes pouring from the Masaya volcano. On the lip of the crater, although not visible from my viewpoint seven kilometres away, is a large wooden cross. It occupies the pinnacle on which a similar cross was first placed in 1529 […]

Montezuma’s Oropéndola
The Oropéndola is one of Nicaragua’s many attractive bird species, not only because of its large size and conspicuous colouring but also because of its habits. I can hear one as I write this – it’s sonorous, chuckling call – almost like a turkey gobbling – is quite distinctive. When doing their displays, the males […]

A Bridge between Continents
Central America is one of the worlds connecting points. The land bridge that now exists through Panama (though one that even today is not open to vehicles) is – in geological terms – brand new. It was created only about five million years ago. Few such bridges currently exist (although many have been built and […]

The Masaya Volcano’s amazing butterflies
Here are some slightly surprising figures. In the whole of the British Isles, there are currently 59 known species of butterfly. In the national park that covers the Masaya volcano, the edge of which is a kilometre or two from our farm, so far over 180 species of butterfly have been identified. The park covers […]

Iguanas unbound
On a visit to the Natural History Museum a few years ago, my eye was caught by a small exhibition of animal products confiscated by British customs officials: snakeskin belts, crocodile skin bags, wallets made from the skins of protected species, stuffed baby alligators, stuffed toads arranged around miniature pool tables, clutching cues. As if […]

Letter from Honduras
Which country has a railway network but never built a station in its capital city? The answer to such a quiz question would be Honduras. An extensive rail system was built a century ago by the international banana companies, United Fruit and Standard Fruit, to get their products to the Caribbean ports. Even fifteen years […]