8a Victoria Street
D.H. Lawrence’s relationship with the place where he grew up, Eastwood in Nottinghamshire, was always ambivalent. Its rural surroundings were ‘the country of my heart’, but the streets of miners’ cottages where his family lived were ‘sordid and hideous’. He freely used Eastwood characters in his writing, and to many locals he was ‘that mucky […]

Local government cuts: housing services hit hardest
Two of the government’s highest priority policies related to housing are suffering most from spending cuts: housing welfare support and planning and development. Over the five years of this parliament, spending by local authorities on housing-related services will have fallen in real terms by a third. This doesn’t include council housing, which is now self-financing. […]
Housing has fared worse than many other services
English councils’ budgets for 2014/15, published this month, show that their current spending has fallen by 23% over the five years of this parliament. How have the cuts affected housing? Chartered Institute of Housing figures show that housing fared worse than many other services with a 28% cut – once housing benefit was taken out […]