This short video (in Spanish, with English subtitles) explains part of the legal basis for the actions being taken against people who have accepted $millions from the US to disrupt the coming elections, or are demanding tougher US sanctions against their own country, likely to be most damaging for the poorest sections of Nicaragua’s population.
Thanks Rachel. Unfortunately Al Jazeera have changed their stance on Nicaragua, and fallen into line with other international media. Only Telesur, from Venezuela, is really challenging the accepted narrative. None of the media – BBC, NY Times, Guardian – are examining the issue of whether the people arrested might actually have committed crimes for which they would be charged if they had been carried out in the UK or US.
this won’t actually play though I’m aware of the issue. I’m also concerned that AlJazeera, one of the few TV channels in UK to ever broadcast news from L America always puts a very negative slant on the Nicaraguan government. This is a shame as much of their reporting is good. I wonder if we need to target them with information?